Top Picture Framing Wholesaler
Supplier in the USA for Quality & Affordability

Call Now for Wholesale Picture Framing
(323) 930-2928

1. Quick Art Frame, LLC. welcomes Purchase Orders (POs) from Corporations, Government, Hospitals, Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities.

2. Credit Reference

(Only if you need payment term like NET 30. It is not required for Pre-Paid or COD payment term.)

   • Corporations and Hospitals: Please fill out and fax our Business Credit Application or if you have your own credit reference document, you may use it.

   • Government, Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities: No credit reference is required. Please fill out and fax our Credit Application for Government, Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities. Your purchase order will be processed upon approval of your application and this process may take 1 business day. In case of an urgent purchase order request, please contact

3. Any item(s) ordered with a PO must be delivered to the institutions place of business. Quick Art Frame, LLC. will not ship a PO to a residential address.

4. There is no minimum purchase amount for a PO.

If you wish to place an order using a PO, please send the PO documentation via email to or call us at (818) 387-6811.

Important: Please make sure to write your contact email address on PO.

Call (818) 387-6811 or email for more information.


1. For corporations, a limited net payment term is offered to qualified customers. The first time customer must complete our business credit application or use their own credit reference document to apply for a net payment term with us. If a net payment term is not approved, PO is processed via credit card payment only.

2. Government, Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities: No credit reference is required. A net 30 without limit is approved and given.

3. PO(s) must be submitted in a formalized form. PO form(s) must include the following information.

  • Customer’s letterhead
  • PO number
  • PO issue date
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Shipping method
  • Net payment term
  • List of product ID number(s) and product description as well as the quantities
  • Accurate unit price of each item
  • Shipping charge
  • Total amount

4. Unit price for each item on the PO must match the prices listed on our website or the prices according to their Reseller (Discount) Level. Otherwise, a revision on the PO is required by the customer to process accordingly. Hand written corrections with customer’s initial is acceptable.

5. If the customer was quoted with discounted price(s) from us, the PO should indicate our quote number in order for us to validate the discounted price(s). If a quote number is not included in the PO, Sales personnel should contact the customer to have the PO revised.

6. If the S&H charge is not indicated or indicated incorrectly on the PO form, a revised PO form with correct S&H charge is required. However, there may be few exceptions such as:

  • Freight Prepaid and Add noted on the PO.
  • S&H charge confirmed via email.
  • Hand written or corrected S&H charge with the customer’s initial.
  • Valid UPS account number noted on the PO.
  • Third party courier noted on the PO.

However, FedEx is not an acceptable courier.

7. Any blanket PO with multiple post-dates must be approved by the Sales Supervisor for making a proper arrangement.

8. Any item(s) with no ETA date that can’t be backordered, The PO must be cancelled and the customer should be notified immediately.

9. Any item(s) with an ETA date of 15 days will be eligible for back-order and can be held for a partial shipment. A revision on the PO is required. A partial shipment including S&H charge must be confirmed via email. Hand written corrections with customer’s initial is acceptable.

10. Any item(s) with ETA beyond 15 days won’t be eligible for back-order and The PO must be cancelled and the customer should be notified immediately.

11. If the customer has any past-due invoices, the PO will be on hold until the payment on the past-due invoice is remitted and confirmed by our accounting department.

Call Now for Wholesale Custom Frames!
(323) 930-2928